STAR digio 100 チャンネル:471 BREAKBEATS/JAZZ 放送日:2003/12/8~12/14 「番組案内(4時間サイクル)」 開始時刻:4:00~8:00~12:00~16:00~20:00~24:00~ 楽曲タイトル 演奏者名 remitente opto file 3 alva noto+opiate vertiphon bola echos of me deru eponge vs_price minus time christian kleine betelgeuze limp four fifty five geiom approaching the entitiy frequency(remix of anton price) l'usine offkiter cfm open air dance mice parade doras greg davis numbers lusine icl INTRODUCING NEW SOUND~BREAKBEATS Kota BONOBO Smith Vs Smith Jon Kennedy Shake Down Natural-Self Into The Morning Flevans SINGALONG TREVA WHATEVA FORM TO FOLLOW Al Stylus MOVING CLOSER TO THE SOFA The Limp Twins SUPER 8 BONOBO BLUEPRINT ATTICA BLUES CLUBBED TO DEATH "THE FIRST MIX" CLUBBED TO DEATH FANTASY ON A FANTASY DAVID CARON sheepfold(再) prologue-earthtones nobody conside viewpoint conflict jiru conflict la salle de bain tomato weirdo 20℃ conflict angels holdin heat the opus sd conflict bleichbaduberbruckung rechenzentrum generate mc higapuri &dj hide proton the bug blacktops&plains (feat. Diverse) caural supernatural (instrumental) supersoul thru the haze (the angel remix) jaz klash white walls pt1 polar INTRODUCING NEW SOUND~ELECTRONICA & POSTROCK(再) black leather bed with flying papillons NOBUYASU SAKONDA  /蝶が放たれた黒い革張りのベッド gossamer cloth on the coffee table carl stone  /コーヒー・テーブルにかかった小蜘蛛の巣 crumbling time bomb in her refrigerator (1961) YOSHIHIRO HANNO  /彼女の冷蔵庫の中の朽ちた時限爆弾(1961) some books and a bookshelfs which was made of AOKI TAKAMASA  wooden board and bricks  /レンガと板でできた本棚と、数冊の本 「Please be alive.」 KATSUTOSHI YOSHIHARA a community dublee yam Loud ones paral.lel 30506 etude: diagonal sora *毎日AM3:55~5分間、メンテナンスの為休止致します。 *個人的に楽しむ場合を除き、著作権上無断複製は禁じられています。  *FAXサービスは(月)午前中入替作業の為、午後以降の御利用を御願い致します。御了承下さい。